Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Momma the sky is Falling!!~~~

 Put a fork in me I am done! Looking for my second wind to at least take me to 10pm tonight! #sloppyjoes 2 tea candles and frankincense to get my second wind to carry me to 10PM !

so I got some carbonated drinks that had caffeine in it and now I am drinking some green tea that as well has caffeine in it. I am just so fed up with people acting like the sky is falling and we are in the middle of brain surgery! did you ever get to the point where you are saying to yourself "ENOUG IS ENOUGH" I mean come on! I sit here inside my efficiency apartment that isn't that big but its just right for what i need it for. nevertheless i am finding out every time I call my mother she has this somber voice tone in her voice that makes you feel like someone died and we are at a funeral! i seriously felt like just telling her to get the fuck over herself cause I had too to. I have this image of the people in the world eating toothpaste cause they are so mentally fucked in the head . NO the sky isn't falling its hypothetical and on a personal level. and no we aren't at a funeral so GO FUCK YOURSELF! IS WHAT i am saying to the world right now!

any ways I am making some sweet Italian sausages I put them in water and threw them in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour and 20 minutes.. maybe I'll post a picture if I decide ! too!

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