Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Nuts are Cheaters!


Today is: February 17, 2021 at 7:30am 

    Today I found my cat playing with the curtains to purposely wake me up at around 5 am if not sooner. I ended up feeding him at 5:30 am . Which to say his feeding time is 6am and 6pm but I guess I am his servant. 
    I just upgraded my smart speaker to an Alexa echo with a clock on it. I gave the google smart speaker to my neighbor she loves it, I am glad she is happy. what ever , yesterday I had to accompany her to the eye doctors to see what can and will be done with her left eye cataract. she was fine she just didn't want to go alone. she has another appointment to talk to the surgeon where i am assuming he will set up a surgery date. I'll go with her when she has the date for the surgery but not for the dr. office talks... I don't think its necessary.
    I have been smoke more than a pack of smokes a day why cause I can afford them in the past I could never afford smokes at full price I was smoking double diamonds which were 2 dollars a pack and boy did they taste like death and puke. but now I am glad I am smoking Marlboros. boy do I love my smokes I love everything about it … its my sweet escape I guess … but its also an addiction that I am starting to lose control over. I still have a little control left but I for see a darker future ahead if this continues. 
    The past month I have been buying stuff on amazon.com to just order stuff I need. its so addicting I love ordering stuff online. I spent 25 dollars on an Amazon gift card worth 25 dollars and bought the month subscription called amazon prime. now I have to figure out how I am going to pay for next months subscription. a struggling puzzle to me when it comes to my money situation. I feel as though i am a 15 year old living with all the adults and money just grows on trees that can be plucked.
    My friend Dan and Adam who I call on a daily basis just got their fuel assistance which puts 725 dollars in their pockets. they were pretty excited Dan went out and bought a ps4 and some games. he is a super gamer that just thinks the whole world is a game. which at some parts it just might be but at some point 40 year old man needs to grow up. but thats between him and himself. 
    My mother cooked a turkey dinner Sunday or Saturday late after noon I can't remember the day she made it... my brother came over with his son and his wife.. as my mom was baby sitting Luca who is my nephew and or my brothers' son. Luca is really cute and I am sure he is going to have a good mom and dad and be good hands. sadly I was appointed to be his godfather … my brother thinks I white trash and don't deserve any respect and or responsibility; other words he didn't think I could live up to the responsibility. I am little sad about it but I guess now I don't have to get presents all the time for the little dude. My sister Erin who lives in North Carolina never calls me she calls everyone else but never has she ever called me and just talk about life and asked how my life is going... she doesn't care and I am beginning to think she is turned off by how I made my choice of lifestyle I guess.. I just don't understand why my family and friends but mostly my family just except me for who I am . even though I am that person who smokes cigarettes and doesn't have a life they approve of and also I am on welfare. i keep telling myself they don't like me cause I turned out to be a welfare rat that lives in the sewers. 
    On a lighter note I have connected my sketch pad to the computer and have been trying to draw things. I attached some to my post … its not the greatest work but hey if it makes me happy I guess thats all that matters. I like to my laptop and its my toy that I practically live on almost all the day. 
    well today is another dollar and another day. what should I do? 


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genetic lottery my ass!

  it's a big world out there.. to isolate someone and tell them they can't have equal or some of their rights because they have some...