Tuesday, April 26, 2022

concentrated juice land

 i have come to the conclusion that the country i once knew is nothing but a filthy nazi. god speed i say cause honestly we are at the point where extermination has begun with in our borders. covid seems to be a highly anticipated way to kindly say good bye in a nice way. an extermination of the mind body and soul has undergone its monumental design. life is what you make of it but honestly everything the history books have taught me seemed to only be a lie. its all a lie my whole life has been a lie of some sort to only benefit someone of higher power and when i say higher power i mean "high" . i posted a picture of some brownies referring to some people as food. are we just cupcakes? possibly . my vision has been getting worse .... i am struggling to see now... the basic pupils in my eyes have gone and left. the mere light inside me is fading away and or leaving my body. as i sit inside my cell concentrated and o so struggling to see beyond the borders that once seemed to never end. now an ending is in sight! i see an ending ... and boy is it ugly! very ugly ! so on that note as a 37 year old male born in 1985 i can only hope to gather my own pride and walk down the streets with gratitude and positivity of say "life is good" . 

kyle sullivan 

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genetic lottery my ass!

  it's a big world out there.. to isolate someone and tell them they can't have equal or some of their rights because they have some...