Thursday, February 11, 2021

Money? What does that have to do with our friendship?


As and adult who is sadly resembling a 15 year old I sit here living off a disability check from the government. In which I also receive food stamps to pay for my the food I eat. I ask? " am I capable of actually earning my own money and capable of being able to survive and keep my head above water." NO I don't think I am capable of doing it on my own. If so I have to be rehabilitated to be back into the working class system. What employer would hire me? I ask? I think I have a status of that of a foreign Mexican worker, working towards my own citizenship which is far from the truth. as I  know, and know well, I have a non-profit MHA - mental health association controlling my monthly income and also the checking account that money goes into. They are the ones who oversees the fixed monthly income and distributes it to me when I am in need or when they think it's deserved. from my knowledge I was informed the government, has been sending money to every citizen high and or low that has an attached checking account on file through tax returns or also inside the SSI systems.. so I went ahead and requested the 600 dollars from my Payee who I explained that I know for sure the money was deposited into my controlled checking account . The people who I talk to /call / communicate/ and or socialize with them . them too have Payees for their disability checks and they are somewhat not allowed to receive there stimulus checks yet. why only because every case is different.  and the reason I am bringing this up is. why is it on me? like somehow since I got my check they too have a right to get theirs as well... first off I am from a different agency and EVERY DISABILITY CASE IS DIFFERENT THUS  reasoning behind when how and where they get there money... I just feel guilty that I got my stimulus money and they didn't … and I am mad at myself for even feeling slightly guilty about it. FUCK THEM. funny how jailbirds can nark someone out so fast to only better themselves .. and that's exactly what it is.. jailhouse birds... and I was never one before, but of course they turned me into one of them... I got a note in the mail by the people of the welfare system and it stated, "JOIN US" …. ALL this is metaphorically speaking buts boy is it true. GOD BLESS AND GOD SPEED! don't give up "self"


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genetic lottery my ass!

  it's a big world out there.. to isolate someone and tell them they can't have equal or some of their rights because they have some...