Monday, February 15, 2021

This is Me!

 The time is: February 15, 2021 Presidents Day) at 7pm.

The Mountains are calling!

The other day I took my art sketch pad that connects to my computer by USB. Last evening I sketched up this sketch just fiddling with the tools that are available and how they are used and this was the outcome. I want to do more of this I want to be more proactive in this nature. I feel like its such a struggle these days. so many variables holding me back in the shadows. so many dark natures beholding my soul into the darkness. 

my advise for anyone who is a human living in America. DO NOT LET FEAR WIN! I keep telling myself stop being scared and start acting! If someone wants you to fear them.. that someone is not your authority! they are a bully !

Kyle D. Sullivan

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